Post by WriterApprentice on Apr 10, 2010 10:43:51 GMT 7
Here you can post up what character(s) you'll RP in the General board. Seeing as there are no fandom-based RPs in this section of the forum, it's best if you write down, or provide a link of, your character's profile here.
RP Apprentice
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Posts: 268
Post by Velocity on May 25, 2010 7:37:05 GMT 7
Samantha Weston (aka Sam) Age : 21 Hair: Brown hair, long hanging to mid back, with caramel highlights. Eyes: Warm and soft, dark chocolate brown with gold flecks that catch the sun. Likeness: imstars.aufeminin.com/stars/fan/v....0616-271018.jpgPersonality: Fun and flirty, Sam love to live life to its fullest. A romantic at heart, she comes across as sensual with her movements and attitude towards everything and everyone. Loyal, she gives the people in her life a lot of affection and can become attached quickly. She also has a jealousy streak that can get her into trouble, leaping to conclusions. History: Sam grew up with her younger sister Megan in a small apartment with a single mother. Sam's father left after Megan was born, saying he wasn't ready to settle down with family life. Although her family life without her father wasn't tragic, his abandonment of the family left her with a fear of rejection.
Post by lovethedorkness on Sept 5, 2010 6:41:39 GMT 7
Emma Leigh Fortest Age : 19 Hair: Long shoulder length black tattered hair, with her bangs scattered across her eyes. Eyes: Piercing emerald eyes, that could make your heart break easily. Likeness: www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://s.bebo.com/app-image/10276175615/5411656627/PROFILE/i.quizzaz.com/img/q/u/09/09/06/scene-hair.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp%3FMemberId%3D7697406989&usg=__qUXIh9xIULgMJpz85mr5orO2w6A=&h=400&w=300&sz=17&hl=en&start=112&zoom=1&tbnid=9mp506gmuaGfPM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=82&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpretty%2Bteenager%2Bwith%2Bauburn%2Bhair%2Band%2Bpiercing%2Bgreen%2Beyes%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D532%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C2454&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=748&vpy=112&dur=685&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=107&ty=127&oei=NNaCTODDFML38AaxjPFZ&esq=9&page=7&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:112&biw=1024&bih=532 Personality: Emma is a very shy yet romantic young woman. She has a fire in her soul that can explain why she is always smiling and laughing. Her laugh is like the church bells ringing in the distant. She has had her heart broken once, so she is very cautious with giving her heart away. History: Emma lived with her father until she was 16. Her mother and brother, Ethan, died in a car crash early in the winter, due to snow and ice on the road. Emma was mortified. She let out her pain and sadness by becoming an alcoholic. She went through an abusive relationship with her first love. After she was hospitalized, she decided that enough was enough. She continued drinking at an inhumane manner. It wasn't until her father died of a drunk driver that she stopped her drinking cold turkey. She is now sober, but very close to continuing her binge.